Knickers on the Line

You're not in Kansas anymore. Write me!! I knew you were the underwear sniffing type.  Don't worry, I won't tell. The latest thang. Really, really bad jokes. My profile.

Boy is on Vacation

8:32 pm - Thursday, Jul. 20, 2006
Boy is on Vacation
He left for New Mexico a week ago. It seems like a year ago. He flew from New York to Las Vegas, where he said there were lots of cool, weird buildings in a huge city in the middle of a desert. He was absolutely baffled as to why anyone would build anything there. He said there were lots of rich people. Even the people holding signs for limos looked rich. And there was a bottle of pee in the parking garage(This was very exciting news).
He left Las Vegas and drove to Arizona. My brother lives there, and the whole family met up and hung out. Boy was running with the dog and took a header- scraped himself up pretty bad. About a week and a half before he left he crashedhis bike. Broke his collar bone. Banged up the inside of his ear (?). He's been a little off since then; we figure his balance is off because of the ear thing. Anyway, it means that when he tripped he fell hard, and his head hurt, and what he really needed was someone to tell him he was ok. What he had were several worried young people who didn't know if he was ok or not, so they tried to take him to the Doctor, but the Doctor wouldn't treat him because they couldn't get ahold of me.
Bad mom.
Since then he's seen the newest pirate movie ( again) and been to Tinkertown. He tries to catch my Dad's cuckoo clocks when they're cuckooing. He blows bubbles for the dog. He luxuriates in digs where the bathroom is the size of his bedroom back home. He calls me almost everyday and gets really quiet when we say goodbye.
He's really the sweetest Boy ever.

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