Knickers on the Line

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2:34 pm - Sunday, Nov. 27, 2005
Nesting: v. The frenetic cleaning and/or other preparation of the habitat of a pregnant human female days or hours before giving birth. Usually accompanied by a burst of energy.

We went to our first lamaze class. This term was discussed. Since none of us are anywhere near the big day, we can't be "Nesting" with a big N, but the thought of bringing home a baby has brought on fits of building, remodeling, cleaning and shopping in every family there. Well, almost every family. Up till the point that everyone else discussed it, we hadn't done much. We're going to do the Family Bed thing, so we don't need a crib. Or a nursery either, really. And seeing as how we've already got one kid, we're not in that state of nervous action that preceeds the birth of the first born.
So it occurs to me, after this class, that other than a few outfits I don't have much that a baby needs. In deed, I don't even have a bag packed for the hospital. And it dawns on me that maybe I should get my shit together.
The fun begins. You get a lot of clothes and toys as gifts at the baby shower and what not, but you should have at least one of the basics of everything. Showers are like potlucks- maybe you get 42 bottles of baby shampoo and no socks. So every big store I go to, Meijers, Walmart, Target, Salvation Army, I swing by the baby aisle and am swallowed in the bliss that is tiny baby clothes. You have no idea. The itty bitty socks. The lovely cutesy hats. The Unbelievably soft blankets.
It's been fun, but I'm cutting myself off. We've got one of everything we need. I've moved on to trying to get this house clean. I'm making huge progress, but I worry there aren't enough weekends between now and then to finish the job.
As if that job could be finished.
I try to limit my coffee intact to one (normal sized) cup a day, but I have this niggling doubt that if I drank more I could increase both my efficacy and efficiency.
Goodbye, I'm off for Java and chores:)

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