Knickers on the Line

You're not in Kansas anymore. Write me!! I knew you were the underwear sniffing type.  Don't worry, I won't tell. The latest thang. Really, really bad jokes. My profile.

Do you read Simon's Blog?

8:32 pm - Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005
Do you read Simon's Blog?
If you do, the ending of this entry has been given away, otherwise hang on.
My buddy at work, let's call her Barney, came into my office with a cup of coffee yesterday and sets it on the corner of my desk. whooppee, you say, but that's because you don't understand that I am currently possessed of super-powers. I can smell things as keenly as a blood-hound (more on how I got these powers in a minute). And what do I smell wafting from this cup of joe? I smelled.. well, there was a smell of coffee, but there was also a strong smell of something ...not coffee. Something foul and stinky. And I look up in dismay and say to Barney, "It smells horrific! What did you do to that coffee! There's something wrong with it! YOU CAN'T DRINK THAT!".
Her response was to crack up. Between gasps she informed me she had walked into the room and farted.
Maybe you had to be there, but it was damn funny.
And now for the bombshell-

I'm pregnant. There is a small alien with a nubbin tail floating in my belly this very moment.

If you've been near this experience you know I'm tired and frequently queasy and moody and forgetful and did I mention tired? All this conspires to prevent me from making entries, but I will prevail. And when I do, I'll tell you all about finding out I was preggers. Right now I'm going to kick back and put my feets up.

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