Knickers on the Line

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In which you learn more than you want to know about my mornings.

10:20 am - October 26, 2004
In which you learn more than you want to know about my mornings.
Boy was the first one up this morning. Usually I go in, flip on his light and go �Wakey Wakey little birdy.�, which is what Loon�s mother used to say to her. It seemed like a maternal goodness. I received no analogous goodness from my mother - instead I received an alarm when I started school. If I didn�t get up quick enough she�d flip the light on and say �Why aren�t you up yet?�, which I have deemed less than warm and fuzzy. Mornings are hard enough that they could use some kindnesses.
None of my clan are morning people. At All. Boy is the closest thing we have to one- he wakes up by himself before 8. I can sleep till 10, but I get up with Boy, eat breakfast and go back to bed. Simon can sleep straight through.
He has been pained lately because I moved up the alarm by 10 minutes. I have to spend one Snooze Button waking myself up. When the first alarm goes off at seven, I may or may not make it to work by 8:00 sharp. There has been much Office Drama of late about how sharp we keep our 8�s. I moved the alarm up so that the Second alarm goes off at 7, meaning that�s when I get up. For me this means my 8�s are quite pointy, thank you. For Simon this means an annoying background noise, an early stirring. It riles him. Feel sorry for him, because I can�t think of a way around it.

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