Knickers on the Line

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A catalog for me and a coin for the Boy

2:30 pm - Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004
A catalog for me and a coin for the Boy

Left the house all spanky clean with wet hair and a lunch. Usually I figure out how I'm going to eat lunch at 1:00. It was leftovers from Tues when Simon and I got to eat lunch together 'cause he had a day off school. A mini date. It was such a lovely feeling to leave stinky ole work and go hang out with him.

When I went to eat the sandwich at lunch, my boss and two other collegues were whooping it up about how great paper is because someone looked up a fact from five or six years ago that we didn't have in the computer. They seemed to think this was proof that computers are better. Errrg. I told the Boss it wasn't fair to say walking is better than cars because cars don't go fast when the tires are flat and it's out of gas.

Breathe deep.

Later we got the mail, and the office supply catalog was addressed to me. This made me inordinately happy.

The last thing I did was to go back with my Boss to the QC lab and go over what and how she wants done. She took the job away from another lady because she needs to focus on sales- when we went back there I made some suggestions, and when she saw what had been going on there she swore a lot. It'd be funny if it weren't so bad. We run a test with a positive sample- there's a place on the form for he result. We run a test with a negative sample- there's a place on the form for that. We time how long it takes the test to run. You'd think we need two spaces for this, but there's only one. Not only that, but every single one says "One minute". The boss is ready to scream. "One Minute! They all took one minute?? Which one took one minute?!?" The other lady always put one minute because she didn't want to have to deal with "Thirty seconds or forty five seconds or anything like that...". The boss agreed with me that the forms and the procedure could use a little reworking. She said she was glad she was giving the job to me.

At home I discovered Boy had lost a tooth. Hee hee. Simon had things all ready to go. This time we went the traditional route, but the tooth was not under the pillow. Hmmmm. Me thinks the boy was sneaky. He got a coin in a box anyway. Didn't hear anything from him this morning, but I was running late. I'll have to fill you in later.

Simon and I spent the whole evening flirting. It's so damn fun to be married.

Went to bed exhausted and didn't wake up till 7:25. Oops. Made it in on time anyway. I've been doing piddly jobs all day, and someone remembered to turn the radio on, but it feels like a good day anyway- you should see the sunshine!

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