Knickers on the Line

You're not in Kansas anymore. Write me!! I knew you were the underwear sniffing type.  Don't worry, I won't tell. The latest thang. Really, really bad jokes. My profile.

Rock lobster

1:11 pm - Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003
Rock lobster
I've had the Weirdest dreams lately. Maybe they aren't any weirder than usual; maybe I'm just remembering more of them...

I dreamed that a mom was holding her daughter and saying to me "We just couldn't figure out why she kept getting sick..." Then there was a cut-away, like in the movies, and as I'm seeing the mom reach for the curtain on her window I'm thinking, Oh My God the kid's been stashing some food and it went bad and she kept eating it, and the mom pulls back the curtain and on the corner of the window sill is a pink glob, and she says "Oh my God! She's been eating Lobster!".

I dreamed my toilet was nasty dirty.

I dreamed that this lady I work with is my mom, and she was going senile and I had to figure out what to do with her.

Very often I dream about my real life. Mundane dreams, very realistic, where I get up and get ready for work, or it's a Saturday and I'm doing stuff around the house. Lots of times I'll lose something, or break it maybe, and I'll have that sunken feeling, but when I wake up I still have that feeling. Sometimes I'll get confused because I can't remember if something happened in dreamland or for real...

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