Knickers on the Line

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Marriage, cold and pee.

1:43 pm - Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004
Marriage, cold and pee.
It occured to me the other day that I am married. It happens now and again. It still seems freshly odd, especially when I hear people talking about dating on the radio/TV/Movies... How can something as deeply satifying as marriage come from something so frivolous,garish and painful as dating?

It snows. It is snowing. It will snow more.

It is dark when I go to work. It stays dark. It will be dark when I go home.

Winter is a heavy season, and it's suffocating us all. We're slowly becoming surlier and more tired and cold.

Fucking hate winter. Hate being cold. Have you read "I capture the castle"? My enduring impression of that book is of a bone numbing cold. I am beginning to feel like I could write such a book- my house is cold, the work place is cold, it seems I am only truly warm under the electric blanket and even that takes a while to warm me up. It took 40 minutes to get my feet warm last night....and don't tell me to wear more clothes; I'm wearing two shirts, a sweater, long johns beneath my jeans and I'm still chilly.

I sound like an old curmudgeon.

Who lives in a drafty castle.

And eats porridge.

And has a dog that's too old to stay awake.

And pees in a chamber pot.

Which reminds me- dude, today we ran some pregnancy tests with our coworkers pee. Pee collected two weeks ago. Two week old pee does not smell good.

Nuff said.

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